Lay Staff

The volunteers who generously donate their time to the parish are invaluable and too numerous to count. Below are a few of the staff members who hold official positions at St. Isidore Church and the volunteers who coordinate various ongoing Church projects.  (Information on School Staff can be found here.)

-Altar & Rosary Society: Mrs. Mary Fischer, President ([email protected])

-Altar Boy Training/Scheduling: Mr. John Gaydosh, Coordinator ([email protected])

-Audio Recordings (Sermons/Conferences): Mr. Greg Smith ([email protected])

-Bookstore: Mrs. Liz Gaydosh, Coordinator ([email protected])

-Chapel/School/Cemetery Treasurer: Mrs. Sharon Ocaña ([email protected])

-Chapel/School Websites: Mrs. Julia Eddy ([email protected])

-Church Choir: Mrs. Maria Conder, Director ([email protected])

-Church Schola: Mr. David Conder, Director ([email protected])

-Eucharistic Crusade: Miss Audrey Bushnell, Coordinator ([email protected])

-Holy Name Society: Mr. David Eddy, President ([email protected]

-League of Christ the King Scouts: Mr. Joey Eddy, Scout Master ([email protected])


For more information about these and other Church groups, please visit the Parish Organizations page.