Fr. Joseph Dreher's 25th Anniversary Celebration at St. Isidore

Source: St. Isidore Church & Priory

Fr. Joseph Dreher, a Colorado native, celebrated his 25th Anniversary as an SSPX priest, during a 9:00a.m., Solemn High Mass, September 20, 2020, at St. Isidore the Farmer Catholic Church in Watkins, CO.

Mrs. Katie Lee, a long-time parish member and seamstress, was able to complete a solemn set of green vestments in a period of 25 days, in time for use in the anniversary ceremony. Fr. Dreher was celebrant for the Mass, while two of his former students in Winona, Frs. Robinson and May, were deacon and subdeacon respectively. The Mass may be viewed here.

Following Mass, Fr. Dreher was feted to an outdoor barbecue so that parishioners might express congratulations and appreciation to Fr. Dreher for his perseverance and service.

Growing up, Fr. Dreher excelled in his personal and academic life. Earning his BSA Eagle badge at age 17, he graduated with honors from Longmont High. He attended CSU in Ft. Collins, graduating in 1986 with a Computer Science degree. He then joined the Rockwell Company in California for three years, testing emerging GPS software. While working in California, Fr. Dreher assisted his local SSPX parish & attended an Ignatian retreat at the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona during the Easter holidays of 1989, and then entered the seminary that fall.

During his career, Fr. Dreher has served internationally and nationally in at least 6 different SSPX locations. Education of youth & seminarians has been a particular focus during 17 of the 25 years of his priesthood. May God grant Father many more years of work in His vineyard!