Parish Organizations
Altar & Rosary Society
The ladies of the Altar and Rosary Society assist in the care of the altar, priestly vestments, and cassocks and surplices for altar servers. They conduct fundraisers to generate the revenue necessary to purchase linens, candles, wine, hosts, and anything else needed for the liturgy. Altar & Rosary members wash, iron, sew, and repair vestments and liturgical linens as needed. They also help coordinate potlucks and handle hospitality for visiting dignitaries, including bishops and other superiors, and any other visiting religious.
Mrs. Mary Fischer, President ([email protected])
Archconfraternity of St. Stephen
This guild aims, through a three-fold object, to sanctify the altar server by teaching him that to serve in the sanctuary is a great religious privilege, by instructing him how to observe the rites and ceremonies according to the Church, and by encouraging him to understand the significance and purpose of the ceremonies in which he serves.
The Guild of St. Stephen was founded in May 1905 at Westminster Cathedral in London, England by Fr. Hamilton MacDonald. A few months later, Pope St. Pius X gave his Apostolic Blessing to the Guild, indulgenced it and raised it to the status of an archconfraternity. In 1934, Pope Pius XI extended the privileges throughout the entire British Empire. In 1955, the Guild adopted Pope St. Pius X as its secondary patron, upon the personal encouragement of Pope Pius XII.
Archbishop Lefebvre, after having come in contact with the Guild in 1985, was so impressed by its work that he made special mention of it during the General Chapter of the Society of St. Pius X and encouraged its implementation in all of the Society’s missions.
Mr. John Gaydosh, Coordinator ([email protected])
Ascende Young Adult Group
Ascende is the Young Adult Group of St. Isidore. The name comes from the Gospel, "Amice, ascende superius - Friend, go up higher." This name was inspired by the beautiful Rockies which form the backdrop of St. Isidore's. The members are encouraged "to climb" out of mediocrity and ascend the mountain of holiness. This is done by the threefold mission of Ascende: Interior Life, Friendship, and Catholic Action. Monthly recollections preached by the priests, along with commitment to daily mental prayer and spiritual reading, foster the interior life of each member. Frequent social activities encourage strong and virtuous friendships. Throughout the year each member is encouraged to engage in spiritual and corporal works of mercy with others in the group. This is how we live our motto: Ascende Superius!
Fr. Patrick McBride, Chaplain ([email protected])
Mr. Gerard Gilmor, Coordinator
St. Isidore Bookstore
The Bookstore is located in the basement of the Church and offers books, prayer cards, icons, rosaries, and religious items of all kinds. Credit cards are accepted.
Mrs. Liz Gaydosh, Coordinator ([email protected])
St. Isidore Choir and Schola
"Sacred music, as a complementary part of the solemn liturgy, shares in the overall purpose of the liturgy: the glory of God and the sanctification, the edification of the faithful. Sacred music contributes to the decorum and the splendor of the ceremonies of the Church. Now, the principal function of sacred music is to clothe with suitable melody the liturgical text proposed for the understanding of the faithful. Therefore, its purpose is to add greater efficacy to the text. This is done so that, through the music, the faithful will be more easily inspired, better disposed to receive the benefits of the grace that comes from the celebration of the holy mysteries."
-Pope St. Pius X, in his 1903 Motu Proprio on Sacred Music.
The Saint Isidore Schola sings the propers of the Mass as well as other Gregorian chant, which Pope St. Pius X called "the supreme model for sacred music." The four-part Choir sings sacred polyphony. The same sainted pope wrote that classic polyphony, especially of the Roman school, "reached its greatest perfection in the fifteenth century, owing to the works of Pierluigi da Palestrina. After his time, polyphony continued to contribute compositions of excellent quality, from a liturgical and musical standpoint."
Mrs. Maria Conder, Choir Director ([email protected]); Mr. David Conder, Schola Director ([email protected])
Eucharistic Crusade
The Eucharistic Crusade is an apostolate geared to children from First Holy Communion to 16 years of age. The Crusader’s motto is entirely contained in these four imperatives: pray, receive communion, make sacrifices, be an apostle. Every month the Crusade offers its prayers, Holy Communions, good works and sacrifices for one of the major intentions of the Church determined by the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X.
Miss Julia Banks: [email protected]
Fr. Patrick McBride, Chaplain ([email protected])
Holy Name Society
The Holy Name Society is a spiritual organization whose goal is to promote the honor and glory of Almighty God and the personal sanctification of its members by acts of love and devotion to the Most Holy Name of Jesus. They particularly stand against the profanation of Sundays and holydays, and the dishonor of Our Lord's Name in profanity, blasphemy and obscene speech. The Holy Name Society is open to all men of the parish.
Mr. David Eddy, President ([email protected])
Fr. Paul Robinson, Chaplain ([email protected])
Militia Immaculatae
The Militia Immaculatae was founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917. The goals as stated in the founding document are "to bring about the conversion of sinners, heretics, schismatics, etc., and especially of Freemasons; and the sanctification of all, under the patronage and through the mediation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate." A Knight of Our Lady's Militia is called to Marianize every aspect of his life through a total consecration of himself to Mary. This act of consecration signifies the transcendental, spiritual nature of the Militia Immaculatae which goes beyond a devotional practice. Through a complete assimilation of his will and hers, the Knight becomes an instrument in her hands, to accomplish her designs upon the world and ultimately to bring souls to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
St. Isidore hosts an annual 3-day MI mission to deepen the Knights' commitment to Our Lady, the Militia Immaculatae and Maximilian Kolbe's mission. New Knights are enrolled at this time. From the MI headquarters in Poland via Singapore, a quarterly magazine, The Knight, is provided along with other printed materials in the form of flyers, prayer cards, booklets and books as well as blessed Miraculous Medals. These can be found in the MI corner in the St. Isidore basement. In addition, there is a monthly newsletter via Flocknote with links to many resources found online.
Miss Dorian Arnold, Coordinator
Fr. Paul Robinson, Chaplain ([email protected])
League of Christ the King Scouts
Participation in the Colorado Scouts greatly aids the formation of Catholic strength and character in the young men of our parish. Scouts are open to young men from ages 7-10 (junior scouts) and 11-18. The Scouts conduct camps in Colorado many times each year, summer and winter, in the mountains and on the plains. The boys are provided with opportunities to challenge their endurance and perseverance. They provide greatly needed support for the annual Mother Cabrini Pilgrimage and have assisted at the Pascua Pilgrimage in Florida. The Scouts have traveled as a group to the SSPX Ordinations in the summer and participated in the SSPX Mass for Reparation conducted in Oklahoma City in answer to the "Black Mass" conducted there. Over a period of 10 years, the Scouts have visited the Franciscan Sisters of Christ the King in Kansas City over the summer and worked for them on their multitudinous convent renovation projects. This last summer the boys sang and served a High Mass for the Sisters on the Feast of the Assumption.
Mr. Joseph Eddy, Scout Master ([email protected])
Fr. Dylan Flanery, Chaplain ([email protected])
Third Order of the Society of St. Pius X
Membership in the Third Order allows the laity to participate more closely with the apostolic work of the Society of St. Pius X. Third orders are regulated by a rule which is kept by its members.
In 1980, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre established this Third Order within the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, to associate the laity with the spirit and mission of the Society. This “is essentially a priestly spirit, enlightened by the radiance of our Redeemer’s Sacrifice on Calvary and in the Mass, ‘the Mystery of Faith’”. (Cor Unum, January 14, 1982) The laity seeking membership in the Society are to foster this spirit and collaborate in the apostolate to form and preserve priestly vocations. This is done under the direction of the chaplain of the Third Order and the member's individual confessor.
Chaplain: Fr. Patrick McBride ([email protected])