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Sermon by Archbishop Lefebvre: Good Shepherd Sunday, May 2, 1976
Aeterna Dei Sapientia: Pope St. Leo I (the Great), Feast April 11th
Knight of the Immaculata: April-June 2024, No. 36
The Annunciation of the Lord
Sermons of the Fathers: St. Ambrose on the Gospel for the Feast of the Annunciation
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: Easter Sermon 1978
Holy Saturday: Instruction from Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine
Good Friday: St. Theodore on the "Saving Passion"
Homily on the Betrayal of Judas, St. John Chrysostom
Holy Week Schedule, 2024: St. Isidore Church and Priory
Sermons of the Fathers: St. Ambrose on the Gospel for Palm Sunday
OLHCA School Sung Mass - Feast of Our Lady of Compassion
Sermon of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre for the Feast of Our Lady of Compassion
St. Joseph, Refuge and Support of All That Invoke Him With Confidence
Sermons of the Fathers: Pope St. Gregory the Great on the Gospel for Passion Sunday
Fifth Sunday in Lent: Judica
Laetare, Jerusalem
"Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation"
A Fervent Lent - From the writings of Abbot Gueranger, OSB, in "The Liturgical Year"
Weekly Mass & Devotion Schedule for St. Isidore's and OLHC Academy
ACE Scholarships Available for OLHCA Families - *APPLICATION DEADLINE IS APRIL 15th*
Second Sunday of Advent - John the Baptist Sent Two of His Disciples to Christ